fitting in a few last events...
I have not one, but TWO new nieces being born very soon! We will celebrate one niece later this month when we gather at the beach (my brother and sis-in-law live in alaska), but my other brother and his wife live just a few hours away, so.... we threw a baby shower!!! I had so much fun... I haven't been able to do that for a family member yet, so I may have enjoyed it even more than the mommy-to-be :). Plus, this is their first baby which makes it even more fun!
Now the countdown is truly on... we leave in just a few days for a big adventure. I can't wait to share it with you here! We'll be traveling for 3 weeks straight before our official move. It's going to be nuts, and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel like this with our kids young and impressionable :).
Now off to pack, hang out with a slightly feverish kid (poor thing) and then some fireworks later tonight!
Happy 4th of July!
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