we are here*

... at the beach in SC. It is beautiful- last night we had a lightening storm and over the water it looked like the best fireworks show ever. The weather has been amazing- it is currently raining but looks to clear up.

this is what we do when Zach has a break. We leave. Our gypsy spirits are allowed to roam for awhile. Colorado was incredible as usual, and the rest of the pictures will be up soon! My computer houses those pics and it's acting wacky, so I'll have to take care of that later.

We have one more stop on our traveling tour before we arrive home. It will be spectacular :).

By the way, don't ever take 13 days off of running. Even when you're biking and hiking like a crazy person, your running fitness goes down the drain. the heat here doesn't help! I ran 3.2 on Sunday, 3.5 on Monday, walked 4 on Tuesday, and ran 5 today. I finally felt like my legs knew what to do today. The first two days felt like I'd never run at all! So strange. Glad to be back at it!

Off to chase my kids on the beach and enjoy this life! I sincerely hope all of you are doing well. All 3 of you still reading :).


  1. I'm always reading, dood! Because you're my sisterwife and I need to know what's happening with you. :)


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