life is too short...

.... to not be excited about the massive student loan I just got. So what? I'll be working until I'm 85 to pay it off. Following dreams here people!

Since I will have zero summer time next year, we are already livin' it up this year. The kids all made us proud with awards as their school years ended (Leah got the top 3rd grade student award, holy cow! Pete got a presidential fitness award, no surprise there, and Sam graduated from preschool. They grow up fast!).

To celebrate we went to our soda shop, and have been spending our days playing outside, mostly at the pool. We just returned from a great weekend at the beach... we only live about 2.75 hours away from the coast, so it's easy and fun to go down throughout the summer. More on that soon... here are some pics of summer so far...
Leah after the award ceremony with her amazing teacher! 

Peter somewhere down there getting his award

Sam the graduate! 

We also headed to Roanoke for my sister's college graduation! 

and scooted over to Blacksburg to see cutie cousins

Pete went to Hawaii for his class party

Soda shop! 

root beer floats... 

This is my view for many hours every day

This was my view for the weekend... tropical storm Andrea had just left and we hit the beach! 
More soon. A major family event is happening this coming the weekend... Woohoo!


  1. I miss you guys. Let's hang soon and talk smack and let our kids run around like nutbags together.


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